Mosaic 51, 360º mobile mapping camera mounting on WGI road surveying vehicle with Leica Pegasus scanner.

WGI’s Geospatial Team Announces Integration of LiDAR and Mosaic 51 Camera

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This addition to the Geospatial Team’s Mobile LiDAR collection provides 75.5 MP of high-resolution imagery & allows WGI to offer a more robust dataset.

Original press release published on June 18, 2021 by WGI. Read the full story here.

WGI acquires Mosaic 51

We love getting our hands on the latest technology, and we’re excited to share that our Geospatial team recently acquired a Mosaic 51 – one of the best 360º camera setups on the market today. This addition to the Geospatial Team’s Mobile LiDAR collection provides 75.5 MP of high-resolution imagery & allows us to offer a more robust dataset to our teams and our clients.

reported WGI personnel.

Mosaic 51, 360º mobile mapping camera mounting on WGI road surveying vehicle with Leica Pegasus scanner.

High resolution imagery for texturizing 3D models 

The new camera not only allows for higher-resolution imagery to be captured, but also performs on-the-fly image optimization (brightness, contrast, color balance).

WGI reported that they are in full production, now exporting this very high-resolution imagery for texturizing 3-D models. This camera enables the use of the imagery, with structure from motion approaches, to seamlessly augment LiDAR-derived point clouds to make them considerably denser when required for extraction of objects.

mosaic 51 integrated with leica pegasus lidar scanner by wgi

This camera also enables the ability to explore the generation of 3D models utilizing imagery structure from motion to augment their LiDAR collection and develop a considerably denser point cloud vs the density of their current LiDAR-derived point clouds.

Higher resolution imagery will allow the WGI team to extract linework and points from the point cloud with finer detail than could have achieved in the past. This will provide for a richer GIS-based data set from which AR models will be generated.

integration of mosaic 51 with leica pegasus by wgi

Who is WGI

WGI is a U.S. based national design and professional services firm leading in technology-based solutions for the construction of public infrastructure and real estate development.

For over four decades, WGI has been a leader in implementing the latest technology like the 75.5 Megapixel spherical Mosaic Camera System in the land surveying space.

If you are searching for higher-quality data, collected more safely, in less time, and often at a lower cost, then contact WGI experts today.

If you are looking for a robust, easy to integrate 360º mobile mapping camera for your mobile mapping system, then contact Mosaic today.